電話:+886 4 22387248
傳真:+886 4 22347248
No.250, Sec. 2, Taiyuan Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 404, Taiwan
電話:+886 4 22387248
傳真:+886 4 22347248
No.250, Sec. 2, Taiyuan Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 404, Taiwan
大言室內裝修有限公司 主持設計師
台中市中原大學校友會 副理事長
中國科技大學室內設計系 助理教授
2015∣A’DESIGN AWARD 住宅空間類銀獎
2015∣A’DESIGN AWARD 商業空間類銅獎
2014∣TID AWARDS 台灣室內設計大獎 居住空間單層類 TID設計獎
2014∣國際空間設計大獎 艾特獎-入圍獎
2014∣APDC AWARDS 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽 優勝獎
2014∣金堂獎 年度優秀住宅公寓空間設計作品
2014∣上海金外灘獎 最佳餐飲空間獎(優秀)
2013∣APDC AWARDS 亞太室內設計菁英邀請賽 優勝獎
2013∣中華民國傑出室內設計作品金創獎 住宅空間A類銀獎
2012∣IAI Awards亞太設計双年大獎賽 居家空間類優秀設計獎
2012∣上海金外灘獎 最佳商業空間優秀設計獎
2012∣中華民國傑出室內設計作品金創獎 商業空間類金獎
2011∣TID Awards台灣室內設計大獎 工作空間類TID設計獎
2010∣TID Awards台灣室內設計大獎 居住空間單層類TID設計獎
2009∣TID Awards台灣室內設計大獎 商業空間類入圍
The Silver Winner of A’DESIGN AWARD 2015 – Residential Space
The Bronze Winner of A’DESIGN AWARD 2015 – Commercial Space
The TID Award of 2014 Taiwan Interior Design Award-The TID Award of Residential Space / Single Level
Finalist Award of 2014 International Space Design Award — Idea-Tops -Dining Space & Apartment
The winning Prize of 2014 Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards for Elite – The Restaurant Space
One of China Top 10 Best Designers of Certificate of Award- Commercial Space Design
The Great Design Award of 2014 JINTANG Prize-The Residence Space
The Great Design Award of 2014 Shanghai Gold Waitan Award- The Award of Restaurant Space
The winning Prize of 2013 Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards for Elite – The Residence Space
The Silver Prize of 2013 Gold Design Award-The Award of Residential Space
The IAI Awards of 2012- The Award of Residential Space
The Great Design Award of 2012 Shanghai
Gold Waitan Award- The Award of Commercial Space
The Gold Award of 2012 Gold Design Award-The Award of Commercial Space
The TID Award of 2011 Taiwan Interior Design Award-The TID Award of Working Space
The TID Award of 2010 Taiwan Interior Design Award-The TID Award of Residential Space / Single Level
Primary selected projects of 2009 Taiwan Interior Design Award-The TID Award of Commercial Space Degree:
Master of Science
Dept. of Interior Design, Chung Yuan Christian University
Director, Great Word Interior Decoration
Vice Chairman, Chung Yuan Christian University Alumni Association(Taichung)
Assistant Professor, China University of Technology Interior Design Department.
Devotion to each design project gives it life value and makes the entire space magically spiritual and amazing.