電話:+886 2 27185898
傳真:+886 2 27185818
6F., No.26-1, Qingcheng St., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan
電話:+886 2 27185898
傳真:+886 2 27185818
6F., No.26-1, Qingcheng St., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan
沈中怡〈美國紐約州註冊建築師〉,1997年畢業於美國哈佛大學建築研究所,在紐約期間先後任職於Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM)及Polshek Partnership Architects LLP,2002年返台成立中怡設計事業有限公司,並先後任教於淡江大學建築系及中原大學室內設計系,亦擔任中華民國室內設計協會 理事,熱衷於設計美學的推展。作品曾多次獲得獎項肯定,並於2009年獲得亞洲最具影響力優秀設計獎項。
Chung-Yei Sheng, a registered architect in the United States, New York, graduated from Graduate School of Design, Harvard University in 1997. Sheng has worked at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) and Polshek Partnership Architects LLP in New York City, founded CYS.ASDO Taipei, Taiwan in 2003, held teaching positions at Tamkang University Department of Architecture and Chung Yuan University Department of Interior Design, served as council member at Chinese Society of Interior, won many highly acclaimed design awards. It is Sheng’s passion to promote and inspire aesthetics excellence into everyday living.
中怡設計事業有限公司成立於2003年,憑藉著對設計的無比熱誠,一路致力於設計類型上多元的橫向發展於實踐,成立以來,已完成的作品涵蓋公共、商業、居住及展覽等不同的空間類型與尺度。 我們透過解析人的需求與環境的現實條件,思考人在空間中如何與環境對話,由室內空間、建築甚而延伸至都市環境,提出更合理、更深入的縱向整合,我們認為設計不僅是功能上、美學上的滿足,唯有透過不斷的嘗試與突破才能提升空間之於社會的影響力,我們亦期許找尋出人類與自然環境間一種更和諧、共存的NEW空間型式。
CYS.ASDO was founded in 2003 with a committed passion to pursue design excellence and versatility. It is this diverse approach enabling us to embrace all types and scales of projects. Since inception, CYS.ASDO has successfully brought highly acclaimed designs to life. Our work is well recognized and its wide range design capacity is well received by the public, residential, business, and exhibition sectors. We believe each design is a unique blend of need analysis, environment evaluation, and the invaluable dialogue between them. Insightful execution helps generate a sensible (vertical) integration of space, structure and environment. Ultimately design is not just a culmination of aesthetic and function; it is also an elevation of social impact and inspiration. Only through unwavering determination and insatiable search for breakthrough can make this endeavor possible. It is CYS.ASDO’s hope of cultivating this new living harmony into the space and nature we dwell in.